I can't wait until tomorrow night...it is IHSW weekend and I don't have a lot going on other than school work. Check for my previous posts on the subject here and also the crab on my sidebar. I am looking forward to chill out and stitch with maybe a finish or 2...or maybe a start or more progress. I just don't know which way I'm going with it but it will be nice to relax!
I have had a busy few days so I couldn't put this in on exact day. Class has gotten going fast and furious so not much stitching in the past few days to a week. Also my birthday and my father's birthdays have happened in the past few days so we did a few special things this weekend. Anyway....here is L*K ABC Christmas...close but not down to the white yet. Also since like the 9th...I started another kind of quick project for my kiddo as she's a HUGE Dr. Who fan.